Sunday, January 5, 2014

This Makes All Other Pictures Of Food Look Boring. It’s Deliciously Creative.

No, these photographs aren’t just beautiful and tastefully arranged pictures of food (although they are making me a little hungry). They are tiny dioramas set up and photographed by two artists named Pierre Javelle and Akiko Ida. The two photographers have always been drawn to food photography for different reasons, but they decided to take this normal medium and do something incredibly awesome with it. This is Minimiam.
The best kind of photography always involves food (or puppies). Now, if only the next Minimiam series could involve puppies…

How This Man’s Epic Beard Saved A Duckling’s Life Is Brilliantly Beautiful. A Must See.

If we asked you to think of your favorite cute animal, you might not immediately list a duck, but when you see this Reddit user and his pet duckling Peeps you may change your mind. Peeps is fuzzy, he’s lovable and he grew up in a beard (really). The man initially bought Peeps as an egg, thinking he was a chicken. He was wrong, but he didn’t care, it turned out to be one of the cutest friendships ever.
The man who raised Peeps still can’t quite determine if the duckling is a male or female, since the tail feathers haven’t come in yet. They should in about 4-6 more weeks. But, while he waits, he is incubating more duck eggs, hoping to form a little family for Peeps so he wouldn’t be lonely.
Saving ducklings… THAT’S why you have a beard.
